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education etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
education etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The development of young children use of life does provide a foundation for just about on the wall of the challenging social problems that our society and other societies face what will they not just from behavioural and the government research but also now exciting developments in the science of molecular biology is how much brewery experience 

I'm from our fact even before birth how much is experiencing the related's Internet Buddhism and shapes our library capacities and behaviours and office, the brain is basically built from the bottom up first the big brain builds a subcircuits that are responsible for basic skills and then more complex circuits are built on top of those basic circuits as we develop more complex skills biologically the brain is prepared to be shaped by experience that expecting literally influence the formation of that circuitry it's built into my biology the interaction between June Ericsson experience that shapes brain architecture is embedded in the reciprocal relationship relationships natural to have a daughter I definitely would be referred to as the server and return nature of children's interaction with adults development and the impact of experience and development is not a one-way street
education boy

 it's a back and forth interaction the brain is so highly integrated model matures multiple sections that specialise in different processes so we have part of the brain that are involved in cognitive function another partner involved in processing of emotional impact involved in ceiling
So if a child is emotionally and we'll put together a list that will affect more positive and productive or the child is preoccupied with fuser anxiety hoariest evening with considerable stress no matter how you dimensionally gifted the charm of my name is on learning is being impaired by that kind of emotional interference so when we talk about healthy development in the early years are particularly when we talk about preparing children to succeed in school we cannot separate cognitive development of social abortion can have one without the other of development builds on what comes before so when children experience stable directory relationships

 that fosters the development of the secretary in the children experience uncertainty and stability or abusive neglectful relationships procedurally disrupts the circuitry in the brain's architecture as I'm over time but this is a act and worse stress U have more causes of stress that the longer you stress response more likely we are to have the whole range of problems later on it can affect the immune system can affect the cardiovascular system and this is why excessive prolonged stress-related life is associated with the higher prevalence later not only wearing problems and behaviour difficulties but also physical and mental health problems

because the brain is absolutely flexible I'm posted
Unsuitability circuitry finds its secretary loses some of this accident which is why did you really really sad because as we can send it comes to bring to the treatability can write the first time I tried to fix it